Discover why Australian parents are introducing the benefits of yoga and mindfulness to their little one's and why it's important to create a daily mindful practice to give your child life skills to thrive in any situation they may find themselves in - from the classroom and on the playground to how they interact with their siblings and loved ones at home.
Mindfulness Has Long Lasting Positive Impacts.
Our children follow our actions much more than words. By creating positive rituals and habits in the home environment, these practices can in-still a ritual of mindfulness that has a ripple effect of positivity that will not only flow into their lives, but their day to day interactions and relationships with family and friends.
Provides Your Little One With Life Skills To Thrive.
In empowering our next generation to be champions of their own wellbeing, mindfulness can lay healthy foundations to help them navigate the physical, mental, and emotional roadblocks they’ll face throughout their life - enabling them to lead happier, more resilient and healthier lives, no matter the circumstances.
EXPLOREFoster’s A Fun And Engaging, Screen-free Environment.
We know that little minds are springing off every which way as they soak in the adventure of modern life. That’s why we’re absolutely committed (as mummies ourselves!) to foster an environment that’s fun, engaging and interactive, encouraging all littlies to participate without having to connect to a device or stare at a screen to communicate. Through mindfulness and thoughtful living, you will see a noticeable difference in the way they absorb, think and interact.
Increases Your Child's Physical And Overall Wellbeing
Clinical research has shown that yoga and mindfulness can improve both mental and physical health in children. Yoga is not only a great physical activity (improving endurance, strength, balance and aerobic capacity) it also has many psychological benefits with research showing that children who practice have improved focus, memory, self-esteem, academic performance, and classroom behaviour, it can also help to decrease anxiety and stress.
EXPLOREProvides An Increased Ability To Relax And Improved Mood
Adults are not the only ones who feel the stresses of the modern world. In fact, current mental health statistics suggest that our children and youth today feel more stressed than their previous generations. Teaching our children to unwind, see the world beyond the gadgets and become emotionally smarter have shown to provide phenomenal results, with a few minutes a day dedicated to mindfulness showing significant improvements for their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.
Teaches Them To Take Time Out To Just 'Be'
Our children are taught Maths, English, Geography and Science at school - but no classes teach them how to be comfortable in silence, how to love themselves fully, and how to unashamedly trust their inner voice.Through yoga and mindfulness exercises, we invite our children to connect deeper with themselves, and the world around them. We give them the tools to take into scary situations, difficult relationships, big life decisions, and feel assured and safe in their choices.